United Industrious Lodge 31

In the lord is all Our Trust

Welcome to the freemasonry website for United Industrious Lodge No 31 in the United Grand Lodge of England

I am pleased that you have discovered our web page and hope you find the information you seek. We are always delighted to welcome Masons in good standing to our meetings and would be happy to discuss Freemasonry with prospective members.

Who we are:

United Industrious Lodge 31 was founded over 200 years ago by professionals from the Canterbury district.  As such, our masonic lodge has a strong adherence to the principles and tenets of the craft.  We are an ancient lodge with the lodge number of 31 reflecting our heritage in the Grand Lodge of England as an Atholl lodge.  Our members are proud to belong to freemasonry and our ritual, although similar to that found in other craft lodges, is our own.

Freemasonry in Canterbury

In this web site we’ll explain something about Freemasonry and Freemasons in general and about our Lodge in particular. You’ll see where we meet as Freemasons, the dates and times of our meetings, a little of our history.

We uphold the finest standards

We are very proud that this site has achieved the United Grand Lodge Website Charter Mark for website excellence.

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